Something that amounts to nothing…

A lot has happened that I haven’t written about.  So I’m going to do a random thing…but I’m not going to write much.  This is less a post than it is a list of topics I want to write more about, if I remember to…

  1. Been listening to a ton of Klaus Nomi and David Bowie.
  2. Larry, one of my best friends, just moved to Kansas City, and I already miss him being in St. Louis.
  3. Saw my friend Todd Keller play at Cicero’s.  Check out the Todd Keller Band!
  4. Wayne County EP is almost online for download.
  5. Happy Father’s Day to my Dad.
  6. Kitchen remodel is moving forward kinda…but it’s only been about a week of serious planning, and there’s more to be decided.
  7. Rest in peace, Clarence Clemons.
  8. Finally got my stuff from Amazon.  Reviews pending.

…and that’ll do for now.  I promise I’ll write something that amounts to something soon.  🙂

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